Star control 2 music
Star control 2 music

star control 2 music

Second trip Warp to Beta Copernicus and pick up a Mycon eggshell.(160 fuel, Arilou+Pkunk+Earthling and max speed+fueltanks) Warp to Alpha Taurii and trick the Ilwrath into attacking the Thraddash by impersonating their gods.Warp to Gamma Krueger and ally the Pkunk.Warp to Arcturus and pick up the Burvixese caster.Travel to Quasispace and deliver the warp-pod to Arilou.First trip Travel to Alpha Pavonis to pick up a warp-pod from a crashed Ur-Quan ship.This route mostly follows the speedrun walkthrough by lmfurb, available The submitted nf file and the submitted movie.dof file present in the game's directory.


  • Numlock ON when you start the movie (otherwise, it does not type "2" properly).
  • Hit F4 to unpause the emulator, to start the movie.
  • Alternatively, take a precompiled Windows version from here.
  • Take dosbox-0.70 source code, add this patch and compile it.
  • If there is a starcon2.exb, rename it to starcon2.exe. It must ask for a star name in the beginning, and not take enter for an answer.
  • Ensure that your version is not cracked.
  • star control 2 music

    Ensure that a following file does not exist: starcon2.bat or.Ensure that the following files are present: androsyn.shp arilou.shp blackurq.shp chenjesu.shp chmmr.shp druuge.shp human.shp ilwrath.shp melnorme.shp mmrnmhrm.shp mycon.shp orz.shp pkunk.shp shofixti.shp slylandr.shp spathi.shp supox.shp syreen.shp thradd.shp umgah.shp urquan.shp utwig.shp vux.shp yehat.shp zoqfot.shp con1.pkg con2.pkg ip.pkg melee.pkg setup.pkg starcon.pkg starcon2.exe.

    star control 2 music

    A registered copy of Star Control II game.

    Star control 2 music